CTS, or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, is a type of wrist injury that causes damage to the median nerve. This particular nerve runs from the forearm into the hand and transmits impulses to the thumb and fingers. The median nerve also transmits impulses to the nine tendons that provide flexing capacity to the fingers and to the muscle group at the base of the thumb.

The carpals themselves are a series of eight bones connecting the forearm to the fingers. A thick connective tissue binds together the bones of the wrist, creating, along with the transverse carpal ligament, the carpal tunnel. It actually is similar to an archway, one through which the median nerve passes. Any external pressure or damage to the carpal tunnel, from repetitive movements such as typing or something more traumatic, such as a fracture, will often result in the median nerve becoming irritated or compressed. This will lead to a loss of function and pain, numbness or tingling.

There are many different Carpal Tunnel Exercises you can do regularly to help ease the pain and loosen the joints.

The sensation is primarily noticed in the thumb and first three fingers of the hand; it does not affect the small finger. Many athletes suffer from this condition, and when symptoms begin will notice a decreased ability to grip objects. There will generally be a corresponding loss of fine motor control.

Often, athletes will find that their performance is stifled by CTS. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is frequently found in athletes participating in sports involving repetitive wrist motions such as rowing, cycling, tennis, racket ball and other racket sports. Other sports commonly linked to CTS are contact sports where the likelihood of being hit by opponents or their instruments (hockey sticks, etc) are increased.

If tingling occurs in the thumb or fingers, it's likely that the nerve is compressed and testing is recommended. There are many different tests to determine whether or not CTS is the condition in question.